Sunday, September 14, 2014

Chapter 2: Is it just me or is it hot in here?

Camden was really taking to his new life. He was getting promoted steadily, and was enjoying his free time, spending time with his wife... and cooking.

"La da da da dee da, hmmmhmmhmmm stirring the eggs, peppering the .. oh.. too much peppering the eggs, gosh this is harder than I thought it would be.... There eggs in the skillet .... eggs STUCK TO THE SKILLET! Gah, finally got them.. Hmm is it just me or is it hot in here? Wow, I feel like I'm on fire or something.... wait... I'M. ON. FIRE! Help!"

Watcher: "Camden you're looking tense, it's just scrambled eggs, you can handle it."
C: "Help! I'm on fire! Of course I'm tense, I'm very tense, oh my Watcher I think I'm going to pass out, good thing I'm burning up so I can't"
W: "Try hitting the showers my man"
C: "Oh. That's an idea."

Camden made it to the shower, and put himself out, but also had to replace the stove and the cabinet next to it at a pretty hefty price. Unfortunately this wasn't the only incident, Camden really had an issue with all that money in his account and kept destroying the stove.

Kira, was loving her life. She and Camden were really enjoying getting to know each other. She found out that they both were family oriented and were on the same page about starting a family as soon as possible, she didn't realize it at the time bu Camden is much younger than her, she was nearing her elder years and he was just coming up on true adulthood, her time was running out and she needed to have a full family. She was also outgoing and loved spending time with Camden and a lot of other people. She was a glutton and really enjoyed her food, finding herself eating in front of the television a lot watching cooking shows and thinking about all the dishes she needed to watch.

Though she was enjoying her time working as a secret agent, she was also a collector at heart and aspired to be an angling ace, far from anything Camden wanted to do with his life. She decided to put her aspiration on hold in order to get started on her family, and Camden was happy to oblige in setting the mood to get things started, serenading her and everything.

"I fooled around and fell in love... fooled around and FELL. IN LOVE."

"Babe, that's really sweet and all but let's just head to the bedroom before you ruin the mood."

This union didn't result in a pregnancy, which made the couple quite sad. On top of that Kira received a call that Rylee Villa had passed away from old age.

K:"Honey, Rylee passed. I knew she was old but I thought she'd be around a little while longer."
C:"Rylee? Oh I'm sorry honey, but I think she had a weird infatuation with you, you should have heard the me talking about her in the library, and she once told me to send you her love. HER love, how weird is that? Best not speak ill of the dead though. Whatever you want me to do to make you fell better, I'm there."
K:"Darling, Send my love is just a figure of speech asking someone to tell another person that the speaker was thinking of them and wanted to let them know. Not that they are in love with the other person. She was my mentor though, I wouldn't be where I am today in my field if not for her."
C:"You have her to thank for being a manager at the local grocery store? Well she was buddying up and peeping on Mr. Landgraab that last time I saw her. Poor thing, passing away like that."
K:"You can be quite callous sometimes"

Some time had passed, and the thought of Rylee's death began to fade from people's minds. Especially Camden, he didn't think of her once since then, but was getting really good at the computer, especially since he received from as a bonus.

C: "Hey honey, look, I can found out how to hack §127 from the Lothario trust fund, computers are great!"
Kira thinking to herself that her husband was committing a crime right in front of her but not wanting to blow her cover with him, decided to go fishing.
K: "That's great honey, I'm going fishing."
C: "Cool, I'll join you, my eyes are starting to bug out anyway. Did you do you something with your hair?"

Kira was getting quite good at fishing, and enjoyed the peace that came with it. However she began to notice that her waistline was beginning to get a bit bigger than she cared for. She started to hit the gym and was really enjoying herself, the boxing classes really helped her loosen up.

The only problem was Camden never seemed to gain a pound and he would sit and eat some of the tastiest food, and he also enjoyed sitting in front of the television eating and watching the cooking channel.

*Kira turns off television*
C: "Hey! It was just getting good! Chef Marsapan was showing me how to poach an egg."
K: "I am so tired of vegetables, all this food talk is making me hungry, screw it I'm going to make a grilled cheese sandwhich."
C: "Okay, I'm going to turn Chef Marsapan back on. Love ya honey."

Camden and Kira most definitely did not have a traditional marriage relationship, they enjoyed each others company but definitely had a strange way of communicating.

C: "Honey, you look so hot fixing that shower."
K: "Yeah? If you didn't destroy everything you touched it would be your hot butt fixing this shower."
C: "You know just the things to say to make me love you."

Kira wasn't joking either, since Camden seemed to destroy everything it fell to Kira to fix it all, frequently, so they weren't spending even more money replacing everything.

The bills finally came in for the first time, and Camden wasn't pleased with the amount, §980. But he walked out to that mailbox and paid them like a boss. It occurred to Kira and him that many attempts at producing an heir had been unfruitful, and knew that when they got home from work that day,  a new job needed to begin immediately. 

Camden was dead tired, but that didn't keep him from wooing his wife with talk of cuisine and handy work needed around the house, and before long they were working on that heir.

SUCCESS! Kira was happier than she had been in a long time, and she loved being pregnant. The only down side is that she was also tired, and with all the work he'd been up to, so was Camden. The both quite adorably decided to take a nap together once he got off work.

Later that evening Eiza Pancakes just stopped by the house while Kira was repairing the computer, and just helped herself to the fridge.

E: "Kira! Ah great, let me show you this great upgrade to your fridge, what is that a screwdriver stuck in your hand? Oh that must be so uncomfortable, but convenient, here let me take it from you."
K: "Um.. Can you leave?"
E: "Ha, you're so cute! I just love your sense of humor. So with this upgrade the door to the fridge will shut much more silently."
K: "That's wonderful! But seriously, I'm in my jammies which means you gots to go."
E: "Night time is the best time for these upgrades... ooops that's not the right screw for this."
*Eliza effectively breaks the fridge, and Kira takes her outside for a tongue lashing*
C: "What's going on out here?" *noticing the fridge broken* "Oh great now I can redeem myself!"

Camden fixed the fridge and wouldn't let anyone forget it, still walking around the house the next morning saying "Fixin' the fridge.. like a boss."

Kira was really beginning to show, and the addition of a new family member was quite exciting for everyone involved. She decided that maybe her and Camden should go out and socialize s bit more so decided to hit up the library with Don Lothario and Geoffrey Landgraab, unfortunately due to the pregnancy Kira needed to rush to the restroom the moment they got there, but it gave the guys some time to hang out.

G: "Cam, congrats on the baby, I'm glad I got that out of my system, though I know Nancy is hankering for another one."
D: "I don't get you guys really, who wants to be stuck with one woman and having all those kids, shoot I get to live with three women in my house."
C: "Yeah, it can be tough sometimes especially since she's always like 'Camden! don't touch that, you break everything! memememehmeh..."
They all laughed.

K: "Why are we eating in the dark?"
C: "Because we never bought any lamps or chandeliers, or light bulbs."
K: "You should get on that."
C: "I'd rather go take a bath instead."
K: "In the dark?"
C: "You don't know my life."

Naturally Camden passed out in the tub and Kira went to bed alone, wishing she would be finished with this pregnancy already, she ate a lot of veggies to get herself to a respectable frame, and she was tired of carrying around that huge belly.

That morning she got her wish, she woke up in labor, and rushed off to the hopital, Camden right behind her. When they got back though, she came without a baby in her hands.

K: "Where's my baby?" and she ran into the house.
K: "Oh there you are my little Madison."

Madison was definitely keeping the new parents busy, but they knew they needed to keep the stress off and the weight, and both decided to go jogging. Naturally when they were done they were feeling pretty good and flirty, and decided why not work on the next child already?

Not even caring that the baby was right next to their bed in the room.

Camden was feeling really great about his life, he enjoyed his wife, his baby, and even his soaps.
C: "No! Juan, how could you do that to Maribel? She would have given you everything! She's pregnant with your son!... crap I need to go to work, see you later Oasis General, I'll miss you while I'm gone."

Luckily having to take a break from his favorite soap wasn't a complete waste, he got a promotion!

C: " a boss."

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Chapter 1: My so called life

Camden came into the world like any other in these circumstances. The Watchers convened, Willow Creek needed help, and Camden found himself on an empty lot with very little money in his pockets, and let's just say he wasn't pleased.

Hello, my name is Camden Pearce, quintessential computer geek who loves his family, a quick learner, self-assured, who can't seem to get his face out of book. A geek; who aspires to be a computer whiz. I don't find my life to be all that interesting, in fact I'm not even sure how long I've lived it. My memory just starts at an empty lot with the desire to find a job, a wife, and start a family. I will say the beginning kind of sucked.

Not a penny to my name (well okay about  180,000 pennies but who's counting? that's practically zero). My so called life seemed to consist of sleeping at the Museum, showering in the gym, and hitting up the library to get my computer fix (computer whiz in training remember). I can honestly say I didn't enjoy a minute of it. I mean it was downright horrible. How is anyone supposed to live like this? Thank the Watchers the night club gave away free chips! And was open all day not just at night!

And just when I thought I couldn't take another second of it, a face served me a bowl of chips, and I knew. It was her, the reason I kept dealing with this awful existence, it was her.

Kira....Kira...Kira, I can't stop saying her name.  Kira Kauffman, what a beautiful name, what a beautiful girl. I asked her out and she said yes! It was a night full of good times, insatiable flirting, and pure romance. It just seemed right.

So right, that I just couldn't wait. I took her out back, and when it seemed right, I proposed. As you can guess she was just as sure about it as I was, and she merrily accepted. We didn't waste anytime either, we eloped right then and there.

 Mr. and Mrs. Pearce, could it get any better?

 Well, she came with a §20,000 (or you know 2,000,000 pennies! I have 2,000,000 pennies to my name, millionaire!) dowry, and we used it to build ourselves a quaint little house. That brings me to my life today. Happily married, and finally getting over the injustice of the Watchers sending me on this nonsensical mission, but hey, it can only go up from here right? right?

Kira was finally settling into her new life and her new home, and decided to check into a new career. Camden had become a computer programmer and was doing really well, but in order to maintain their new home, she would need to find a job as well. She was in the library researching when she met one Rylee Villa.

R: "Hello dear, I couldn't help but notice how young you looked and what you were doing on the computer. My name is Rylee Villa. I think I have an opportunity you may find quite fascinating."

K: "Thank you Ms. Villa, but I'm quite alright on my own."
R: "Don't be silly dear, listen. I am getting quite old, and you know this body can't do quite what it used to, this poor old bitty is aging quicker than I'd like. I work for a top secret government agency, and, well, I don't expect to be in this world much longer. Someone like you though, all young and spry, you'd be a great replacement I think."
K: "I don't know.... I've only just met you, are you messing with me?"

Rylee was not messing with her, and before long she was inducted as a secret agent, starting from the bottom of course. Camden couldn't know either, to him Rylee was just the kookie old lady who wandered over to their home every now and then. 

M1: "Oh look it's that old bat Mrs. Villa, strange old quack isn't she?"
M2: "Yeah, every time I see her she's stalking around the town, watching everyone, I wonder what that's about?"
C: "Who Rylee? She's best friends with my wife, I agree she's a little strange, but I wouldn't go as far as to call her a quack?"
M1: "Haha, man you don't know the half of it, you're new to Willow Creek aren't you?"
C: "Well yeah, but she's at my house all the time, I think I could make an opinion of my own."
M2: "Wait so you're telling me you hang out with her regularly and on purpose? hahaha, oh man, I feel for you, you might want to watch your stuff, I wouldn't be surprised if weird things start happening around your house. You might want to keep your wife away from her too."
C: "Hmm, I don't know."

At that moment Rylee walked over to the table with the men
R: "Ah, Camden, dearie, what are you doing here? Is that wonderful wife of yours hanging about"
C: "Hi Rylee, we can't justify the expense of a computer, so I do my programming work here, Kira's at home, what are you doing here?"
R: "hehe, oh you know, checking out the locals, teehee, can't get enough of these people, they keep me entertained all day long... oh my I think I see Mr. Landgrabb coming up the walk, I do love to watch him. Please, excuse me, it was nice to see you my dear boy, do send your wife my love."
C: "My wife? Your love? Do you have a thing for my wife?"
R: "Oh dear me.. don't be silly...."

And with that she walked away, Camden scratching his head wondering what brought him to this place with all these strange people.